2015 Nutrition Ramp-Up

4-week nutrition plan

Week 1: CLEANSE - Eat "clean" for 2 days. This means no processed foods or sugar. Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, eggs, nuts, seeds. Then 3-day juice cleanse, then eat clean for 2 days.
Week 3-4: Follow the nutrition plan below. May allow yourself one cheat meal per week depending on how strict your goals are for yourself.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Nutrition Challenge!

The challenge will officially start on Monday, March 17.

Benchmark workouts: We will do the first benchmark workout on Monday, March 17th at our morning workout at the park. If you cannot make this workout, you can do this at a later time within the first week, preferably at the park location for continuity of the workout. If you need to scale, that is OK. You will only be measured against yourself at the end of 6 weeks. The second workout will be on Thursday, March 20th.

Body fat: Make an appointment with Paul and he will do a skinfold body fat measurement for you.

Point log: You must keep your own daily log. You are not penalized for not meeting the daily goals (i.e. did not drink 2 liters water, or did not get 5 serving of protein). You are penalized if you go over your grain, dairy, or legume limit and if you consume anything on the "Foods to avoid" list after your 2 "freebies".

Food diary: Post a daily food log one time per week or take a 5 point penalty. This will help us to stay on track and help each other with healthy food choices.

Optional: $10.00 buy in - winner takes all


  1. Wow...I have a lot of work to do!

  2. Posting my food intake for the week. Today for breakfast I had fried eggs and a banana and blackberries. Lunch was a ham "sandwhich"- ham, bacon, avocado on green lettuce leaves. I followed that up with a few dates. Dinner was seared tilapia, a salad with just lettuce and cantaloupe using Bolthouse raspberry merlot dressing (this quick concoction was amazing and that dressing is 100% clean for this diet). I intended to eat brown rice but forgot it's like 45 minutes to cook that up so I did eat leftover mashed potatoes- however these were made with no dairy, just a touch of butter and green onion. Water was probably 6-7 glasses?

    In regards to the potatoes, am I taking a cheat on that? Or is it considered in my list of limited grains. You say to avoid them but not specifically on the "avoid list" so I thought I'd ask.

  3. No, not considered a cheat. It can count as your one grain for the day.
    It all sounds delicious!
